20 Best Part Time jobs in Canada for international students

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Everyone needs money. For most international college students, getting high-paying part-time jobs seems to be the only way to pay for tuition fees, rent, and other expenses. Canada allows students to work part-time jobs while studying. And working part-time can provide additional benefits as well. For example, some companies and employers offer work benefits to part-timers. But not everyone is able to afford the fees and living expenses there without sponsorship. In such a situation, pocket money and other expenses can be met by doing part time job abroad.

20 Best Part Time jobs in Canada for international students

Every student dreams of studying in Canada and getting a job there.

Canada is not only the most popular country in the world in terms of studies but also comes in the list of best countries in the world in terms of jobs. Here the employees are provided with good health care, paid leave, paid leave and maternity leave-parental leave.

It is a common practice to work in foreign countries along with studies. Every year a large number of students apply to study in countries like Canada, America, Australia, Ukraine, Germany. If you are also taking admission in a foreign university, then you should be aware of the work permit rule there.

Below is a list of some of the best high-paying part-time jobs for college students in Canada:

Warehouse or Delivery Jobs: There are many warehouse and delivery jobs available to students, such as working for Amazon or other online retailers.

Tutoring or Teaching Assistant Jobs: International students with strong academic skills can work as tutors or teaching assistants for other students.

Freelance work: International students with specialized skills such as graphic design, web development or writing can find freelance work online or through local job boards.

Rideshare Driver:
Having a fancy car as a student can be tough, but you need a good and reliable vehicle, a smartphone, as well as a background check to become a rideshare driver. Usually, how big the city is will determine how much money is to be earned. The bigger the better. The average pay for a rideshare is between $15-$30 per hour. And the most important part for the students is the huge flexibility of working hours.

A waiter or a waitress can do very well at minimum wage plus tips, on top of $20 an hour. However, the schedule can be very flexible. For example, some restaurants may only require part-time waiters every weekend night.

Content Editor:
Working with a style guide, content editors are responsible for correct grammar, spelling, and, most importantly, editing all types of content, such as magazines, books, and websites. A good freelance editor can earn around $40-$60 an hour. But sometimes, the money will come on a per-project basis.

Fitness instructor:
Trainers may work in clients’ homes, studios or gyms. This job doesn’t require specific training and certification, but it can compensate greatly. The average salary for a personal trainer is $30 an hour. And for in-home personal training sessions, fees can rise to $75-$100 per hour.

Bar Tender:
Working in busy places can make incredibly good money as a talented bartender. You can earn around $1000 working only three nights a week.

Cafeteria Worker:
You don’t need much experience to work in university dining areas, and it pays better than other restaurant jobs. Pay goes between $15 to $30 an hour, and you can get free food and coffee.

Let us know some more advantages of working in Canada, which are as follows:

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