Decorate your home with the help of plants follow these tips

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Plants act as a medium for the natural flow of positive energy. They not only clean the atmosphere by absorbing carbon dioxide but also provide relief from stress. Plants remove stagnant and stale energy from the house. They subconsciously associate us with the color green, which has therapeutic properties. According to healthy plants planted in the right direction enhance one’s ability to attract abundance into one’s life and improve relationships.

Beautiful house (Dream House) is everyone’s dream. Many people achieve their dream house in their life but many people are not able to do so due to lack of budget. But it is very important for you to know that a beautiful house does not require budget but creativity.

Yes, it is not necessary to have a big house to have a beautiful home, you can also make your small house attractive and beautiful in a low budget. So here we will tell you how you can make your house creative and very beautiful in a low budget. Let us know how

Plants act as a medium for the natural flow of positive energy
Plants act as a medium for the natural flow of positive energy

You can also decorate your house with the help of plants. First of all, the plants look very beautiful. This will not cost you much, you will easily get many indoor plants in the market. With their help you can give a different look to your home.

Basil Tulsi

Tulsi is a very powerful, sacred and auspicious plant, which increases positivity in the house. Parmar says, “This small plant, which has medicinal properties, not only cleans the environment but also keeps mosquitoes away. Tulsi is grown in the front or back of the house, on the balcony or window, wherever there is sufficient sunlight.”

Bamboo plant

The Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena Sanderiana) plant comes from South-East Asia and is associated with good fortune and health in both Feng Shui and Vastu. The number of stalks on the plant has a big impact on the meaning of a lucky bamboo plant. For example, lucky bamboo should have 5 stalks for prosperity, 6 for good fortune, 7 for health and 21 stalks for health and good prosperity. Bamboo plant also cleans the air and removes pollution from the environment. Bamboo plant should be kept in the eastern corner.

Money plant

Money plant (pothos) also brings prosperity and good fortune to the home and relieves financial troubles. Money plants act as natural air purifiers as they remove toxins from the air. It requires very little care. It is said that by keeping a money plant at home, you can achieve success in personal and professional fields.

Erica Palm

According to Vastu Shastra, Areca Palm brings good health, luck and prosperity. It eliminates negative energy and increases positivity. This plant with leaves can be grown anywhere in the house in indirect sunlight. It removes pollution from the air and improves humidity.

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