Dragon fruit farming Business Plan Marketing Resource and sale

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Dragon Fruit Cultivation, Profits | Dragon Fruit Farming Business Plan | Marketing Resource Center | new business ideas in agriculture farming in low cost | Organic Dragon Fruit Farming | growing dragon fruit in pots | dragon fruit cuttings for sale | dragon fruit plant for sale | how to harvest dragon fruit | yellow dragon fruit plant for sale

Dragon fruit is popular in Thailand, Vietnam, Israel and Sri Lanka. Due to the price of Rs 200 to Rs 250 in the market, its cultivation in India has also increased in recent times. Low rainfall areas are considered suitable for its cultivation. The dragon fruit plant is used to produce ornamental plants as well as dragon fruit. Dragons can eat fruit as fresh fruit, as well as make jam, ice cream, jelly, juice and wine from this fruit. It is also used as a face pack as a cosmetics.

Climate suitable for dragon fruit cultivation:

It requires rain at a rate of 50 cm annual average while 20 to 30 degree Celsius temperature is considered suitable for this. Too much sunlight is not considered good for its cultivation. It can be cultivated in shady place for better yield in areas where sunlight is high.

Suitable soil: This fruit can be grown in many types of soils ranging from sandy loam soil to loam soil. However, sandy soil with better silt and drainage is best for its yield. The pH value of soil from 5.5 to 7 is considered suitable for the cultivation of dragon fruit.

The method of sowing in the cultivation of dragon fruit is the most common method of sowing in the cultivation of dragon fruit, it can also be sown through seeds, but since the seeds take a long time to grow and the properties of the original tree in that plant It is also less likely to come, so it is not considered favorable for its commercial cultivation.

You should prepare samples of dragon fruit by pruning quality plants. Samples about 20 cm long should be used for planting in the field. Before planting them, the original tree should be pruned and stacked.

Pests and Diseases The specialty of dragon fruit cultivation is that so far there has not been a case of any kind of pest in its plants or any kind of disease in the plants. Plants of dragon fruit begin to bear fruit in a year. Plants flower in the months of May to June and bear fruits from August to December.

Dragone fruit can be harvested after one month of flowering. The plants produce fruits till December. In this period, a tree can be harvested at least six times. Whether the fruits are worth breaking or not, it can be easily understood by the color of the fruits. The color of raw fruits is dark green while its color turns red when ripe. It is appropriate to pluck the fruits within three to four days of changing the color, but if the fruits are to be exported, it should be plucked within one day of changing the color.

Planting These plants should be mixed with dry dung and soil sand and cow dung in the ratio of 1: 1: 2 and planted. It must be kept in mind that before planting them, they should be kept in shade so that the strong light of the sun does not harm these saplings. At least 2 meters of empty space should be left in the place of planting of two plants. To plant a 60 cm deep, 60 cm wide pit to be dug.

FAQ Dragon fruit farming Business Plan

How much is labor cost in Dragon Fruit Farm?

As Dragon fruit farming is a commercial crop farming system, we must employ at least 1 labor or skilled worker to manage 1 acre dragon fruit farm.

Why Is Dragon Fruit So Expensive

High Demand for Dragon Fruit but low Supply. It is used to increase immunity, decrease cholesterol level, increase hemoglobin, for heart disease, for healthy hair, for healthy face, to cure diseases like weight loss and cancer. These days, big companies are buying dragon fruit and after processing from it are preparing many products including sauces, juices, ice cream

Dragon fruit cultivation training

Dragon fruit cultivation training can be obtained from the local Krishi Vigyan Kendra. In addition, the Indian Council for Agriculture Research (ICAR), which is located in many cities in the country, can also be taken from there. Along with this, information can also be obtained from the farmers who cultivate dragon fruit.

Which country is famous for dragon fruit?

Dragon fruit is the original fruit of Central America. But at present it is being cultivated in large quantities in Thailand, Vietnam, Israel and Sri Lanka.  Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, the United States And now it is being cultivated in India too. Dragon fruit is used in food. Apart from food, it is also used commercially. Jam, ice cream, jelly, juice and wine are made from dragon fruit.

How to grow dragon fruit at home in Pot

Dragon fruit is a tropical plant, which grows faster in hot climates and bears more fruits. If you want to grow this plant in colder regions, you can grow it indoors in soil in a pot or grow bag.

Dragon fruit plant grows well in sandy loam (soil pH 6.0 to 7.0) rich in organic matter with good drainage. If fertile soil is not available in your home or garden, you can prepare a potting mix by adding sand, vermicomposting and cocopeat to normal soil.

You can also get plant cuttings or cuttings from nurseries. Now after cleaning the cutting thoroughly, keep it indoor for some time, and now you can plant the dragon fruit plant cutting in the pot or grow bag soil.

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